Polk: Soliped hogs are appearing with increases frequency in the large hog confinement pens in the Hopkins Grove area. Veterinarian Harold Coues observed that this does not constitute a new breed of hogs where the terminal phalanges of the toes are united, but simply an unusual genetic variation within existing breeds. Although, they do seem to "breed true". The hooves of these animals are completely solid and on the soles are a broad angular elevation of a horny substance, curiously shaped like a horse's hoof. Although Dr. Coues contends the animal is safe to eat, the hogs in question are being turned back when sent to slaughter. Attempts to market them as a "kosher" pork has also fallen on deaf ears.

     This is not the first time such strange mutations have occured in Iowa. Some years ago in Sioux City, famous for its "Corn Palace," a large number of these hogs were put on the market, their owner proclaiming in advertisements that they not simply a curiosity, "but in a commercial sense a valuable production for mankind!"

soliped hoof
A soliped hog trotter
     The "mule footed hogs" did not catch on and are now extinct in that area. Strangely, Hopkins Grove is also home to a two year old colt owned by Lois Coluber which has a single cloven hoof. Father Alcott of All Saints Episcopal Church has urged that the farmers in question put all the afflicted animals down, contending that these are not simply interesting freaks of nature but the work of diabolical forces and experiments conducted by agents he refused to publically name.

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