Dear Learned Beauty,

     You often site Crowley in your responses, where can I find his writings on Magical Medicines?

     Ailing in Crooked Creek


     Dear Ailing,

     The best source is AMRITA, Essays in Magical Rejuvenation. My copy is put out by Thelma Publications (PO Box 1393, Kings Beach, California 95719, and was published in 1990 (.95 est.) You might write to them to see if it is still in print. There is a nice biography of old 666 in there as well. If you are looking to use the books contents on yourself, however, I would advise caution. The book is only an introduction to a long process of healing that involved going to a healing spa which charged a stiff price. Is it effective? Some of the claimed results were the total cure of asthma, but this was not always permanent. His remark was that "El[ixer] only works for a short spasm on bodies not properly purified." The book is a good read, but I'd advise seeking the aid of a living healer, and not to look at the Master's work as a self help guide.



     I have recently married and had a great sex life with my wife before we wed, but now that I am married I look at her and all I can think is that that woman is the only woman I will ever sleep with again for the rest of my life, and I imagine her growing old and ugly, and I have had a lot of trouble "rising to the occasion" because of these thoughts. She is beautiful, and I love her, but she is starting to resent my sudden impotence. What can I do?

     Limp & Losing It in Ft. Dodge


     Dear Limp,

     Well, first of all, unless you're a true psychic you have no idea if your prediction that she's the only one you'll ever sleep with is correct. You could have an affair, or more likely, get divorced over this and re-marry. Or maybe you'll get really lucky and she'll just die. Then as a randy widower, you'll be able to let a lot of cute chicks help you over your grief. You make me sick. If more men would get themselves over the yoke of sensitivity they shouldered in the 70's as an excuse to stop doing the hard work of actually being a man, there'd be a lot more happy couples out there, believe me. Until you find your balls again, try this magic charm for recovery of sexual potency: piss through your wedding ring.


     Dear Kasi,

     What's a "Magic Square"?

     Young Mage in Oxford


     Dear Young Mage,

     A magic square is an amulet composed of letters arranged in a square that may be read up or down, backwards and forwards, or numbers that all ad up to the same number in each of the columns. Here is an example that is supposed to turn men into asses:

     I E M I M E I

     E R I O N T E

     M I R T I N M

     I O T I T O I

     M N I T R I M

     E T N O I R E

     I E M I M E I


     There is a chant to Ashtaroth and Asmodeus that goes along with it, but I won't include it here. But turning men into asses is so easy to accomplish without magic: just add alcohol and something to trigger the libido.

Write to Sister Kasi in care of the publishers.

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