Area Black 11 Mysteriously Clears

Palo Alto: Violence-plagued Old Town awoke to a startlingly clear and cloudless sky the morning of February 10 to find that the dark mysterious area to the north known as Black 11 had cleared. The strange object which appeared following a May 17 railroad disaster which completely leveled the nearby town of Lake View was the site where Third Eye Correspondent Leslie Shepard vanished along with members of the Palo Alto Emergency Response Crew the night of May 22, 1996.

     The disappearance of the thousand foot tall mile-long area reportedly dubbed by covert federal sources as "the object" comes on the heels of a three week period of unprecedented violence in Old Town as well as seven other nearby towns. With in this period there has been a record number of shootings, stabbings, and assaults with evidence of little or no provocation at all, leaving 89 dead and 47 hospitalized. While both the State Patrol and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have refused any comment on the 89 reported cases in area, Palo Alto County Sheriff Walter Kreusberger and County Medical Examiner Hugh Reily have been hotly critical of Federal and State authorities.

     "They haven't told us anything since that damn black mountain appeared!" fumes Sheriff Kreusberger. "And I'm damned tired of putting people I've known for years into body bags! They say it's a matter of national security---but hell, I live here! I'm the one that has to face a pair of kids whose mom and dad bludgeoned each other in the dead of night. And I sure as hell can't let anyone in my office handle something like that!"

     "There's no coincidence in having 100 separate attacks in a 40 mile radius," insists County Medical Examiner Hugh Reily. "They were committed between 11pm and 3 am during the past three weeks. The other morning, I had five new victims in my morgue. That night, that thing disappeared. This morning: it's as quiet as the grave again. And now Minneapolis Regional FBI says I'm supposed to 'Ignore it and be glad it's over.' If they think we're gonna do something like that, they're playing a few cards short of a full deck!"

     The night of February 10, however, several witnesses claimed to have seen large objects with bright lights flying through the sky around Lake View's "the object". Rusty Calley of Beaumont, Montana, a well-known UFO enthusiast, claims to have seen one of these flying objects fire what he calls a beam of light at the black mountainous maelstrom.

     "The moon was out and I was lying on my back bundled up in my thermal bag watching the sky, man. Then, like all of a sudden, my radio scanner goes total noise and my portable radar is so hot it looks like a fractal display. The sky shimmered and this ship as big as the freakin' Nimitz appeared from nowhere, man. So, I, like, get into my bus and haul ass to towards where, like, the fascist feds have set up their perimeter fence. Now, I was about five miles out, man, and I have the hi-eight cam bolted on the roof shootin' all the time. I was really flying, you know, but then I hit this ditch, like and it totally nuked my front axle. So, just as I look up, I sees this mother of ship shoot this bright neon blue light at, like, "the object', man. And at first nothing happens but then there's all this lightning coming from it. There must have been, like, some sort of Electro-Magnetic pulse, cause both my camera and my Diskman went dead. And when I got out to look at the camera, like it was on fire, you know, smokin' and everything so, like the tape was total charcoal. So, I started running towards the fence---it was about mile away. Then, like I heard this chick's voice in my head! I mean, she was, like screaming my name. And then like I saw big ol' Black Eleven start glowing this weird deep magenta color and it's vibrating and is just weirder than shit, you know, and I'm thinkin' 'God, wow'. And this voice in my head is screaming louder and louder. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground screaming and thrashin' around. I open my eyes and the sun's out and it's morning."

     Little information is yet available as to the condition of the Black Eleven site. However, one anonymous source has confirmed that Federal and State agencies will continue gathering information and maintaining security along the eight-mile long razor-wire perimeter fence.

     As to the fates of Third Eye Corespondent Leslie Shepard and the Palo Alto Emergency Response Crew members, nothing further is known. A Senior Staff Editor has stated "We aren't going to let her fate vanish in the night, as well."

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