Is Belief In God An Evolutionary Trait?

submitted by Dr. Leonid Roseweitz

Tesla Research Labs: There is speculation at this juncture by top scientists that an area of the brain being called the "God module" is responsible for an evolutionary instinct in humans to believe in religion. Sufferers of epilepsy have long been known to have deeply spiritual experiences, and report that they frequently have intense mystical visions and transcendent episodes after and during seizures. Often epileptics become obsesses with religion and spiritualism. By studying epileptics we have located a circuit of nerves in the forebrain which becomes electrically active whenever a person thinks about God.

     Mainstream researchers are only going so far as to say that these preliminary findings indicate that the phenomenon of religious belief is "hard-wired" into the brain. We at Tesla have been working with a team of physicists, electricians, and neuroscientists from the University of Emmetsburg to determine if this area of the brain is actually an electronic communication device between ourselves and a remote divine entity. This area of the brain is what transmits our prayers and through which we gain divine instruction, the gift of prophecy, and perhaps even a moral code. There may be dedicated neural machinery in the temporal lobes concerned with religion. This may have evolved to impose order and stability on society, or the more intriguing possibility is that it is placed in us like you would give your child a walkie talkie to communicate with you and receive instructions while you could not be there in person.

     We have already concluded that the source of the electronic activity in the brain dealing with religion surrounds the Pineal Gland, or Third Eye. We believe that this area is in fact vestigial, and that through poor choices in our genetic background humans are gradually losing this electric connection to God. The consequences of a complete separation are dire. An intriguing hypothesis is that an epileptic seizure causes an over stimulation of the nerves in this "God module", giving a "jump start" to this communications center, and in essence temporarily reestablishing our lost connection to God Himself.

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