submitted by Dr. Charles Williams M.D.

Dr. Charles Willams M.D.,
Assistant Director
Iowa UFO Research Network

Johnson: A number of people have asked for clarification of plans and criteria related to the disclosure of top-secret government witness testimony and other evidence related to the UFOs in Iowa, and how we differ from other UFO conspiracy theorists such as Colonel Gaetano Ardenti.

     First of all, our stated goals and objectives at IUFORN are:

     1) To establish for the State of Iowa---including mainstream scientists, politicians, religious leaders, media and others---the reality of UFOs, thus altering the current status quo which largely dismisses the subject as fictional or the ravings of lunatics and publicity hogs.

     2) By achieving the above, we will be engaging Iowa in a serious discussion regarding the evidence related to UFOs, their implications and what actions should be taken to further study the issue. This would also end the exclusive covert management of the subject which has been on-going for over 50 years and which is a threat to world, national, and Iowa security.

     3) Effect this disclosure in a manner which will avoid unnecessary panic, anxiety and xenophobia in our state by conducting the disclosure strategy in a manner which is hopeful, scientific and above all, neutral.

     Components of the disclosure are:

     1) A multi-part prime-time public access documentary series which would present the best available scientific evidence and top-secret witness testimony to a state wide audience, community by community; this series will be restricted to public access forums so as to minimize profitability and thus maintain credibility.

     2) Compendium books and other educational materials to the documentaries to be marketed solely through Ristau Entertainment and Third Eye Over Iowa publications to protect against infiltration by outside debunkers or government moles.

     3) A well-organized press conference and briefing to be held in Des Moines, which would coincide with the release of the disclosure materials.

     4) The Iowa State Scientific Conference On UFO Phenomena: A state wide scientific conference to be convened following the disclosures which would look at all the evidence and make recommendations for further study and action.

     Criteria for evidence to be included in documentaries, books, and other materials:

     1) Top-secret government witnesses and aerospace witnesses to unambiguous UFO events and programs. These witnesses will be vetted and include ONLY first-hand witnesses with documented involvement with the military or government and who have a clean legal/criminal record.

     2) High-quality government documents which demonstrate the reality of the UFO/Extraterrestrial Intelligence matter and which demonstrate the reality of long-standing covert interest in the matter.

     3) Independently analyzed photographic, video and movie images of unambiguous UFO/ETI objects.

     4) Objects of Extraterrestrial Remote Origin (OERO) which have been independently analyzed by qualified scientists who have no financial interest in verifying the OEROs.

     5) Other non-anecdotal cases and evidence possessing multiple points of corroboration.

     6) Independently verified audio tape, radar tapes, and other electronic media.

     Exclusion Criteria: The following case types will not appear in the disclosure materials:

     1) Anecdotal cases such as idiosyncratic personal sightings and experiences, alleged contactee/abductee cases and rumors of events.

     2) Second hand government witnesses unless extremely compelling and of VERY high rank and credibility.

     3) Unverified and non-analyzed images, documents, tapes, OERO etc.

     4) Wildly speculative cases, theories, and belief systems.

     Features of the state-wide press conference and briefing:

     1) To be held contemporaneous to the airing of the disclosure documentaries.

     2) To be held at a suitable venue with adequate credibility, gravitas commensurate with the importance of the event, and access to refreshments in Des Moines.

     Participants restricted to :

     * First-hand top secret government and military witnesses to UFO events.

     * Respected aerospace and aeronautics figures

     * Mainstream and credentialed scientists

     * Noteworthy political figures and leaders

     All others will be observers.

     Invited media restricted to :

     * Public Access Television Show Hosts.

     * Iindependent non-mainstream commercial media outlets(print, radio, TV etc).

     * Science and political reporters for specialty areas (astronomy, Iowa-politics etc).

     * Iowa based consumer/government watchdog groups

     The Iowa State Scientific Conference On UFO Phenomena will include the presentation of the best scientific evidence and top-secret first-hand government witness testimony. Participants are restricted to the following:

     1) Scientists and researchers with Ph.D. or minimum Masters degrees.

     2) Top-secret government UFO/EBE witnesses.

     3) Select Scientific leaders.

     4) Select Think-Tank leaders and officials.

     5) Science reporters from mainstream and specialty media and journals.

     Proceedings will focus on:

     1) The presentation of evidence and testimony.

     2) Analysis and Discussion of same.

     3) Recommendations from the Scientific Advisory Board to scientific, academic and governmental leaders.

     The above plans are contingent on the identification of sufficient funding to properly fulfill these plans. Inadequate funding and/or attempts to diminish the disclosure by blatant attempts to discredit the proceedings by overt identification by mainstream press with conspiracy theorists or the lunatic fringe and media outlets will result in non-disclosure and/or postponement of the disclosure process. We see no point in putting forth important and top-secret witness testimony and other critical evidence in a venue (or through a process) which would be obviously ineffectual from the outset.

     The maintenance of these high standards is critical to the success of the disclosure process.

Charles Willams, Assistant Director

Iowa UFO Research Network

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