The Fish Return To Hopkins Grove

Polk: May 20th again saw a bizzare rain of Carp fall on the town of Hopkins Grove. The annual occurance has mystified scientists, theologians, and cracker barrel philosopher's since the first fall in 1995. Each year on the same date hundreds of live fish drop from a clear sky to fall in the street, ponds, and rooftops. It has become something of a festival for the small community, and residents hold an annual fish fry to commemerate the bounty from the heavens. Not all are convinced that the miracle of the fishes is holy in nature. As expected, Father Alcott of the All Saint's Episcopal Church was on hand to decry the phemonemnon as of the Devil and cited it as evidence the town is under the influence of demons who live beneath the B. Lavastsky Museum. Museum officials refused to comment and the building was closed for the day.

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