Your Government is Trying to Kill You?

     A Book Review

submitted by Col. Gaetano Ardenti

Johnson: Have you ever lain awake at night, staring at the stucco of your bedroom ceiling and wondered what was the real reason behind governmental cover-ups of UFO sightings and cooperation with alien entities? Why our government has created a vast network of underground bases and tunnels? What was the real cause of the "Wheeler hum"? Did the Hale-Bopp comet really change course several times, and if so, what does it mean to mankind? Why so many government officials connected with UFO coverups are dropping like flies? Why Secretary Forrestal really jumped out that window? Why so many "Star Wars" scientists have suddenly died or disappeared? What is the real purpose of the huge FEMA camps? Why FEMA has authority over NORAD? Why black helicopters are seemingly everywhere? What those copters have to do with the rectal coring of animals, human adults and defenseless children? Why are the "Grays" making what appear to be hybrids, and what do the Reptoids really want with us? Are you the next human being to be raped, medically probed, used as a human incubator for inhuman alien embryos, or killed and dismembered, then plopped in a vat of bloody goo which will be spread over alien skin and absorbed like so much tomato soup into their bodies?

Col. Gaetano Ardenti
     If not, you are a weak minded simpleton worthy of being their cattle.

     One man stands today in defiance of this travesty, and he has written a book which will blow the lid off this conspiracy. He goes by the name of "Lt. Q", and his book is titled Visitors From Hell: The Secret of the UFOs.

     Q has worked at Area P-21, and is becoming a well known whistle blower. He publishes this book at the risk of his own life....and with the now well-known government ability to track and log book sales throughout the world, you quite possibly place your own life at risk by buying it. The text is being spread across the nation by covert book drops. By subscribing to certain magazines, such as this one, prospective buyers are able to decipher secret coded locations of book drops where they may pick up a book and leave .99 behind. Cash only, no paper trail.

     In his book, Q exposes how almost all major sightings in relation to Flashes, Bangs, Explosions, unusual lights, phenomena, UFO's, and Alien Abduction are almost always followed by reports from the military to be space debris, meteorites entering the earth's atmosphere or some natural phenomena. Q says this is simply standard operating proceedure for the military, according to official guide lines set down to discredit eyewitness accounts.

     Q cites from his own personal experience at P-21, evidence which proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the UFO contacts are, and always have been, very real. Q lays out the structure of a massive cover-up of how world governments made deals with aliens in return for their technologies. The resulting "benifits" for mankind are seen in our vast forward leaps in technology since 1945. Kevlar in body armor, infra red imaging, optic fibers, micro-chips, the Internet, fat free cooking oil, and so on. It's endless. But the deal has been broken long ago, and we are at war.

     The Governments and Military are now fighting a losing battle against these interplanetary Invaders. Q relates how the USA and its government has been infiltrated by these entities and the result is that certain areas of the USA especially Area P-21 and Aerodyne are safe havens for all Crafts and Entities to continue the work they started years ago, the building of a global network of Alien manipulation.

     The following is an excerpt from the book, reprinted with permission:

     This planet is on the threshold of an explosive truth being revealed...but the government is afraid that when it is known, there will be such a backlash from the people that even what little control they have now will be stripped away from them. But to late to do the rebels any good. Like the Wizard of Oz, the people in Des Moines and out in Washington hide behind their curtain pretending to be the real rulers, assiduously supressing information about the alien puppeteers. I spent years as an unwilling guinea pig for the boys at P-21. They got control of our minds, by feeding us sulfanilamide. See, this Senium is being slipped into the sulfa drugs and that lodges in our bones, making the whole body a receiver for extremely short waves. That's called "sensitizing" you. Over 300,000 people in the US have had this done to them, but it was tested on us first over in P-21. I know the locations of at least seventeen special secret radio stations set up specifically to broadcast to these people, instructing them in ways to sabatoge our planet. And its going to get much bigger. Congress in mandating that all TV be moved to digital so they can used the old analog band for use on masses of sensitized people once the drugs are introduced to pasteurized dairy products and new "fat free" items. I can tell you one thing about how to defend yourself......the greys, they can't handle exposure to ammonia. I found out when an orderly accidentally overturned a cart of urine samples on one of the greys who was overseeing some medical proceedures down on one of the lower levels of the base....the thing let out a croaking scream and dissolved like the wicked witch when Dorothy tried to put out the fire on her dress. Squirt guns filled with human piss might be our best available weapon.

     As we have reported in the past, Area P-21 is a secret underground base near the town of Wheeler, IA. A lot of the work being done there is very hush hush...beyond Top Secret. Q says he was assigned there because of his technical background and that he personally worked on bio-engineering experiments with aliens of various types. He has seen at least nine different alien craft in hangers inside the base, including a man-made prototype being constructed with very limited assistance by the aliens and cooperation from Aerodyne Jet Propulsion Labratories.

     At present the connection with Aerodyne Labs is unclear. The base and the laboratory seem to be seperate entities and moving along seperate paths. It is rumored that where P-21 is in full cooperation with the Aliens, Aerodyne Labs is proceeding with help from renegade aliens who are at cross purposes with those at P-21. Q has no answers on this matter, his clearance did not extend that far. He only knows that no P-21 aliens went to Aerodyne, and none from Aerodyne ever came to P-21.

     I believe this man when he claims that all of this is real. For those, like Q, who choose to tell the truth, the risks are great and the rewards almost totally non-existent. I urge you to decode the clues found in this magazine and go find your own copy ASAP!

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