Editor's Note:

Sister Kasi has again taken her vacation to observe the rites of the season---a priveledge of hers we would never tamper with. Her informative and ever helpful column will be back next month.

     Email your letters to Sister Kasi at:



     Dear Third Eye Over Iowa,

     This letter is in regard to the September Third Eye Over Iowa story entitled "Butter Elvis: Iowa's Butter Effigies" by Arlene Lourdes.

     I see no cause to celebrate the "miracles" of the Butter Elvis. It's merely the latest effort of Iowa's butter Sorceress, "Duffy" Lyon. She deceptively lures the well and infirm alike with a contemporary pop icon, while only a few feet away stands the oldest "icon" of them all: the Butter Cow, a.k.a. The Golden Calf. For nearly forty years she carved this rustic Baal, always pairing it with a Butter Sheep or Butter Goat, as if her graven display were a petting zoo. She is so ingrained in the "tradition" of the Fair that not even the Evangelicals raise an eyebrow anymore. The "miraculous" Butter Elvis is just another step in her quest to convert Iowa's secular, agricultural exhibition into a fertility rite.

     Yours, Z---

     Dear Z---

     Excellent questions. For not asking them, nor answering them in the article itself, Arlene Lourdes has been placed on a two month unpaid suspension. This comes a particularly difficult time for her, as she pointed out over and over again, due to the fact that she has just purchased a new home and will most likely miss her first two house payments because of it, but I am sure you will agree that discipline, unless harsh, is pointless.


Hans Abbadon,

Editor in Chief


     As always, Third Eye Over IowaŠ welcomes reader-input concerning the vast range of topics we address. It may well be your only hope.



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