Dear Readers,

     This is to serve notice that as of this issue the cover and subscription price of Third Eye Over Iowa will increase by one dollar per issue. The increase is regrettable, but unfortunately, necessary. At the previous price, the cost per issue to produce the magazine verses the potential profit for each issue sold hovered somewhere around .39 cents.

     We have sought every cost cutting measure available to avoid this action, but it has been a difficult year for us. In wake of the fires set this summer, we have again moved our records and files to a single secure location-thus we no longer have to pay for warehousing the extensive collections. The Alternate Reality Project has volunteered to supply Third Eye staff with a coffee substitute for the office for free; whereby we no longer spend /month on coffee. We even hocked the cappuccino machine. There will be greater office cutbacks, but there is a limit. I can't say much more about our finances for fear of capturing the interest of jackbooted accountants.

     Suffice to say that with the price increase comes the potential for continued existence---though our return remains small. The big question is: will you still buy the magazine? We hope so. Where else are you going to find out all there is to know about rural cryptozoology, UFOs over the family farm, the miracles of the Butter Elvis, and the panorama of the paranormal in America's heartland?

     Bear in mind that even at a subscription rate of for six issues, subscribers save $6.00 from full news stand prices over six months. As subscriptions increase, our printing costs will decrease, and thus we can pass the savings on to you. Remember, we need you to spread the word. Encourage others to enter into this exploration of the strange. Subscriptions make wonderful gifts! Personal advertisements are an interesting way to express yourself and have your message seen by tens of people! Display advertising for your business or personal service is affordable and sort of nifty. Check the rates on the inside cover, or contact us for the display ad rates.

     Thank you for your understanding and continued readership,



Hans Abbadon

Editor in Chief

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