Plymoth: Building on work done by R. G. Haliburton in 1881, the great grandson of this obscure Canadian anthropologist has established a temple to what he claims is the origin point of the human race...the star system of the Pleiades.

     "My great grandfather worked for years to find elements of commonality in ancient religions and myths which might reveal a universal origin for mankind. He found powerful significance in the number seven which is important to almost every culture on earth." Dr. Rusty Haliburton told us in a recent interview, "He noted that seven stars is a very frequent architectural symbol and religious emblem the world over, even in prehistoric times. He suspected then, as I and my followers do today, that those stars represented the Seven Sisters, or the constellation of Pleiades."

     Among the high holidays celebrated at the temple is November 2nd, the "Feast of the Dead". The elder Haliburton discovered that Peruvians, Christians, and other widely spread cultures held similar banquets in honor of deceased ancestors on or about the same day. Wondering why this singular coincidence of peculiar reverence occurred across the globe in both northern and southern climes, he looked again to the Pleiades.

     "My Great Grandfather was a very insightful and gifted man. He was not, however, an astronomer. He took his theories to a Prof. Everet at King's College in Windsor, Nova Scotia. He asked him if the Pleiades rose in November. He was told, rather emphatically, no. He asked Professor Everet if it had ever risen in November. This time, the answer was yes. Twelve thousand years ago those stars did rise heliacally at that time of the year. The most ancient calendar known, that of the Brahmins of Tirvalore, has a name for November translates as Kartica, or Month of Pleiades!! We have subsequently found that in Polynesia the year is still regulated by the rise and fall of this constellation. Fragments of extremely ancient Pleiades-based calendars have now been discovered all over the world. It's remarkable and irrefutable. Great Grandfather's writing on the subject was reprinted in the textbook account by Prof. Piazzi Smyth on his measurements of the Great Pyramid in 1865, noting the relevance of those stars to the angles and placement of the pyramids."

     Dr. Rusty Haliburton notes that the "Lost Pleiad" refers to the fact that though there are seven stars in the constellation, only six are easily visible to the naked eye. "The Lost Pleiad is a tradition throughout the world among primitives. Though only six are visible, they are not merely regarded as seven in number, but called The Seven Stars. This is remarkable, especially when you consider that the Great Bear has seven far brighter stars!"

     Haliburton claims to have proof that the natives of North and South America, and in particular the natives of ancient Iowa, venerated the star system as beneficent for which the tribes did dances of gratitude "for signs, seasons, days, and years." He claims it was not simply because these stars announced the arrival of Spring and the life giving rains, but because they were connected with the idea of Paradise and the home of God.

     "I have found within the last two years, since the commencement of the Temple's construction, unexpected and alarming proofs that it is no mere conjecture or coincidence that the name Alcyone, meaning center, pivot, or turning point, was given to brightest of the Pleiades stars. The old races saw it as the center of the Universe, the primeval genesis of human kind, the dwelling place of God, and the abode of the dead."

     Revelation of these proofs, is of course, available only to those members of the Order who have been purified through private initiation rituals. As of this writing, Dr. Halburiton's application for Tax Exempt status under state and federal not-for-profit laws is under consideration but sources within the Corporate Division of the Office of the Secretary of State say it "hasn't got a snowball's chance in Hell."

     Applications for membership in the Order of the Lost Pleiad must be made in person at the Temple itself during normal business hours Monday through Thursday only.

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