submitted by Harrison Campbell, Col., USA (Ret.)

Palo Alto: Soaring survivors of the Cretaceous period, biomechanically engineered into fearsome weapons of War. A UFO shot down over the midwest, and then covered-up by the U.S. military. Experiments with captured "alien" technology. Flying saucers utilized by the U.S. Air Force. Former Nazi scientists and military personnel working openly (more or less) for the U.S. Government. A secret military installation operated by the Federal German Government on Iowa farmland. Beings from another world on the advisory board of a government-funded research corporation. A massive cover-up at the highest levels of power within the corridors of the Pentagon.

     Just any given week's episode of the "X-Files", you say?

     Think again, reader. Think again. For all of the above have purportedly occurred not on your television, but in and around Emmetsburg, in Palo Alto County!

     Case one: This reporter originally traveled to northwest Iowa to investigate the disappearance of a Third Eye Over Iowa staff reporter who had been covering the Black 11 mystery. In the course of that investigation, he was made aware by an Iowa DNR Ranger of the possible survival of Cretaceous period Pteranodons. Further digging revealed several eyewitness reports stretching back to the 1840s, in addition to interviews with several local personalities who swore in affidavits that they had seen these creatures (see: The Pteranodons of Palo Alto County, March, 1997, vol. 4, Issue #3).

     In spite of the repeated assurances of respected paleontogists that such creatures had become extinct 65 million years earlier, this reporter took his inquiries to Dr. Immelman Stahl, Director of Aerodyne Propulsion Laboratories, to investigate rumors of larger, more aggressive versions of these supposedly extinct creatures.

     The result of the interview: Dr. Stahl rather condescendingly informed this reporter that Pteranodons have been extinct for 65 million years, and, no, Aerodyne Propulsion Labs had not been bioengineering them. No, there was no "secret Luftwaffe base in Palo Alto County".

     Case two: In December 1944, the Germans, while experimenting with rudimentary stealth technology, allegedly teleport a type XXI U-Boat complete with crew from the Kiel Naval Base in northern Germany to Five Island Lake, in Palo Alto County. Prominent on the German team behind this feat were Lt. Colonel Werner Dorfmann, Colonel Bruno von Kleist-Schulenhorst, and Dr. Immelman Stahl.

     Case three: July 1947. The U.S. Army Air Force shoots down what it claims is an out of control A-4 rocket that crashed onto a farm just outside of Emmetsburg. A military recovery team is sent. The command team is made up of three military officers and a civilian scientist from the War Department. His name: Dr. Immelman Stahl.

     Case four: Fifty years of UFO sightings and abductions in and around Emmetsburg; most recently, the U of E football team reports "missing time phenomena" while in route from their campus to the regional airport to attend the Righteous Bowl in Marin, California, after observing strange lights by the side of the road. (see: University of Emmetsburg Team Kidnapped?, April, 1997, vol. 4, Issue #4).

     Case five: A secret German military installation in northwestern Iowa. The reaction from authorities when questioned about this: "Really, a German base in northwestern Iowa? You've got to be kidding!"

     Case six: The supposed disappearance of Black 11. Upon further investigation by another member of the Third Eye staff, it is found that Black 11 is still there, only "contained" by a plasma-generated stealth-field, and made invisible to casual observers (see: Is Black 11 Still There?, September, 1997, vol. 4, Issue #9). Where did this technology come from? Allegedly, Aerodyne Propulsion Laboratories.

     Case seven: Repeated attempts by this reporter to obtain pertinent information regarding the above incidents have run up against a wall of silence from the US Government, albeit a wall with some sally-ports in it. Attempts to gain information from the Department of Defense have had the same results. Attempts to get corroboration from Aerodyne Propulsion Laboratories have been mixed, to say the least.

     Officially: Aerodyne Propulsion Laboratories was established in April of 1950, two scant months before the outbreak of the Korean War. It was set up under the aegis of the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, or NACA, the forerunner of NASA, and the Department of Defense, specifically the Department of the Air Force, under the National Security Act of 15 September 1947. Its purpose: to conduct research and development in aerodynamics, avionics, propulsion, weapons and weapons delivery systems for the US Air Force.

     Unofficially: Aerodyne Propulsion Laboratories does indeed conduct R. and D. on aerodynamics, avionics, propulsion, weapons, and weapons delivery systems for the Air Force. BUT, according to tantalizing and unsubstantiated reports, Aerodyne is also utilizing a flying saucer allegedly shot down in 1947 to further its research into cutting edge propulsion systems and stealth technology and is being assisted by an alien from Zeta Reticuli who reportedly survived the crash.

     For the time being, let us take a look at the people who run Aerodyne. At the top of the Aerodyne pyramid is our old friend, Dr. Immelman Stahl, Director of Operations.

     Dr. Stahl was born in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany in 1919, into a family of middle-class Civil Servants. His father had been Master of the Sleeping Coach on the personal railway train of Kaiser Wilhelm II. Dr. Stahl graduated from Humboldt University, Berlin in 1938, and went to work for the Focke-Wulf Flugzeug Werke.

Dr. Immemmann Stahl, near Munich, 1940.
     At the outbreak of war in 1939, Dr. Stahl was commissioned as an officer in the German Army and assigned to Dr. Werner von Braun and his rocket development group at Peenemunde. In 1943, Dr. Stahl was assigned by special order to Operation tannhauser at the Kiel Naval Base. His mission: to develop radar invisibility for the German Navy. His career between 1940 and 1943 is largely a mystery.

     At the end of the war, in May 1945, Dr. Stahl, along with other German scientists and intelligence personnel surrendered to US Army Intelligence to avoid capture by the Red Army. He came to the States in July, 1945, and immediately employed by the US War Department at the White Sands Missile Test Range. From 1949 to 1958, he worked for NACA, and from 1958 to 1979 for NASA. Although Dr. Stahl's official duty post was Cape Canaveral and the Johnson Space Center at Houston, Texas, he maintained another position at Aerodyne, assuming full directorship there in 1980 upon his official retirement from NASA.

     Colonel Werner Dorfmann. Born, 11 August 1920 in Breslau, Silesia. Enlisted in the Luftwaffe in 1938. Completed pilot training and assigned as Leutnant to Jagdgeschwader 4, the so-called "Black Eagles". Flew Me-109s in the invasions of Poland and France.Lost an during the Battle of Britain, he was reassigned to the Research and Development Bureau of the Reich Air Ministry.

Kleist-Schulenhorst & Dorfmann, c. 1943.
     In November 1943, was assigned to Operation TANNHAUSER. Surrendered to US Army in May 1945. Remained in West Germany. Entered the West German Luftwaffe in 1952 with his old wartime rank of Lt. Colonel. Prominent in R and D for the Luftwaffe and NATO. Frequent visitor to Holloman AFB in New Mexico. Retired in 1982, and moved to the United States to join Aerodyne as an ad-hoc adviser on Stealth Technology and Quantum Mechanics.

     At the outbreak of war in 1939, Dr. Stahl was commissioned as an officer in the German Army and assigned to Dr. Werner von Braun and his rocket development group at Peenemunde. In 1943, Dr. Stahl was assigned by special order to Operation TANNHAUSER at the Kiel Naval Base. His mission: to develop radar invisibility for the German Navy. His career between 1940 and 1943 is largely a mystery.

     Bruno von Kleist-Schulenhorst. Born 1920 in Konigsberg, East Prussia. Entered the Waffen-SS officer training school at Bad Tolz in 1938. Commissioned in June 1939. Took part in invasion of Poland, the Low Countries and Russia. Promoted to full Colonel in 1942, and fought in Russian campaigns, and anti-partisan operations in western Poland. Made head of Security for Operation TANNHAUSER in October 1943. Disappeared at the end of the war. Resurfaced in the East German Democratic Republic as a colonel, then a major-general in the Staatssicherheits Dienst (Staasi, aka: the State Secret Police). Upon German reunification in 1989, was indicted along with other Staasi officers for crimes against the German People. In 1990 these charges were dropped (rumors of ODESSA involvement persist) and General Schulenhorst became a Lt. General in the Federal German Intelligence Service. In 1995, the General became head of Security for Aerodyne.

     All one has to do is examine the brief careers of these men to reach the conclusion that all of them worked together in the past, and given the nature of their specialties, to perhaps conclude that their association with the US Government and Aerodyne has perhaps a touch of the inevitable about it.

     We should also consider another man; Lt. General Richard F. "Bull" Ostwinkle, USAF (Ret.). General Ostwinkle, led the US Army intelligence operation that successfully snatched these individuals from under the noses of advancing Soviet Red Army and NKVD troops at the end of WWII. Is it a coincidence that General Ostwinkle is now chief security adviser to Aerodyne?

     General Ostwinkle, in a recent personal and unofficial luncheon interview with this author, hinted in no uncertain terms about various enigmas regarding Aerodyne.

     According to General Ostwinkle, the so called test rocket shot down by the Army Air Force in 1947 which crashed on the O'Malley farm, was, in fact an alien spacecraft, part of a three ship flight from Zeta Reticuli. While attempting to interfere with the launch of an A-4 test rocket, two of the three UFOs were shot down by P-80 and P-59 jets from Holloman Army Air Field in New Mexico, and crashed near Roswell Army Air Field. The third was chased halfway across the midwest, where it was cornered by six P-51s vectored in by Hemisphere Defense Command, and also shot down.

Col. Ostwinkle, 8th Air Force Intelligence, in Berlin 1948; ostenibly to brief Chief of Staff General Hoyt S. Vandenburg on soviet Probabiliteis during Berlin Arilift Crisis. The actual reason was to brief Vandenburg on the crashed saucer and alien capabilities. (USAF Photo).
     At first, the Army Air Force was unsure as to what exactly they had shot down. Initial on-site investigation revealed that the craft and bodies at both sites were probably extraterrestrial in origin. Because of the confusion, the commander at Roswell AAF issued a press statement announcing to the world that it had "captured a flying disc". Less then 24 hours later, however, and on the orders of National Command Authority, the Army Air Force instead announced that a weather balloon had crashed at Roswell, instead. The crash outside of Emmetsburg, though not receiving the nationwide press coverage as the Roswell discs, was dealt with in a similar fashion. This was Ostwinkle's task, who, as an Army Air Force Colonel was in overall command of the Emmetsburg recovery team.

     Regarded by many in the military intelligence community as an absolutely unimpeachable source, General Ostwinkle states unequivocally and unofficially that the extraterrestrial spacecraft shot down by the US Army Air Force over Palo Alto County in July, 1947, remains to this day sequestered at the Aerodyne Propulsion Laboratories of the University of Emmetsburg. It was airlifted to the old ROTC Army Air Cadet hanger at night by two Army helicopters. The hanger was the largest facility in the closest proximity, explained Ostwinkle. Located at a grass airstrip used by crop dusters, was deemed more suitable as it was operated under the ROTC program, and could be commandeered under the provisions of the National Defense Act of 1940. The two crash sites near Roswell were in an isolated area in a sparsely populated state. Iowa, however, then, as now, is another story. It made better sense to conceal the ship's remains near the crash site itself. And not only the metallic remains of the flying saucer, but the bodies of six aliens from Zeta Reticuli. Five of them very dead. One of them very much alive; a tad dinged-up and the worse for wear, but very much alive... and, according to Ostwinkle, of a talkative disposition.

     This so-called facility, remote, unremarkable, officially became, in 1950, The University Of Emmetsburg Aerodyne Propulsion Laboratories. Over the course of fifty years, it has grown to encompass nearly 486 acres of prime Iowa farmland surrounded by a double layer of razor wire fence, watched over by guard towers and monitored by state of the art electronic surveillance equipment. It is impeccably groomed and landscaped, containing two dozen esthetically pleasing buildings and a private airfield capable of handling large cargo transport jets.

     This compound is patrolled round the clock by elite security personnel; all are ex-military Special Forces, all are contracted from Smackenhovel Security, Inc (see: Is Smackenhovel Hiding Dirty Secrets?, October, 1997, vol. 4, Issue #10). Although Aerodyne stages public tours, those are limited to an official itinerary and strictly monitored. Any one wandering off the official beaten path are very politely, but very firmly, warned by black uniformed guards to remain with their tour groups.

     Within these confines, according to the officially unattributable but unofficially impeccable voice of General Ostwinkle, are the mostly-intact remains of the disc that crashed on the O'Malley farm in 1947.

     From this craft, along with the one captured near Roswell, unimaginable technology has been gleaned, including stealth technology. Aerodyne played its part in the development of the F-117 fighter and the B-2 bomber. Those are just the tip of the iceberg. Black 11's existance has been concealed by a "stealth field" developed by Aerodyne. But studying crash debris may not give the "Big Picture". In this instance, the bulk of the information was provided by that bruised but articulate Zeta Reticulan who survived the shoot-down of his craft.

     His name is classified, but his message is plain. We lag behind several different species of ETs by 500 years technically. Our planes, bombs and tanks will be useless toys against them. Waving an old sugar sack and yelling "Welcome to California" just won't do the trick. For two of the races that he works for will be satisfied with nothing but total subjugation. But then, that could be nothing but the ravings of a drunken alien (he is said to frequent McNamarra's Band , although under strict cover).

     This author is very well aquainted with conspiracy and conspiracy theories. Indeed, he has helped implement many of them during the 1960's. There is no reason to doubt General Ostwinkle, regardless of the implausibility of many of his statements. Yet, all attempts at receiving official verification from the government met with denial. In some cases, vehement denial. But not quite treading across the line into Official Denial. When presented with the above information, Department of Defense spokesman Robert Welch, after recovering from a severe fit of coughing responded:

     "General Ostwinkle is entitled to his own opinions, of course."

     No Official Denial!?

     This reporter promises that he will continue to try and unravel the Gordian Knot of this mystery. Would that he were Alexander!


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