submitted by William Posey IV

Clinton: Fifty years after a possible UFO crash in Palo Alto County, Iowa, principle players in this alleged conspiracy reunite. Why? Are these individuals still struggling to keep the incident a secret? Or are they, against all odds, planning to reveal the truth after all these years?

     This reporter received a telephone call at Third Eye Over Iowa offices on October 4. The man on the other end of the line identified himself as an ally and friend of Third Eye and claimed he had information about the 1947 crash (see: Emmetsburg UFO Crash Linked to "Roswell Incident", Jan. 1998, vol. 5, Issue #1). When asked what his relationship was to the whole affair he replied, "My name is Carson Speedwell. I believe that you are aware of the fact that I was involved in certain aspects of the Emmetsburg Event, and was present at the autopsy of one of the craft's passengers. Whether you believe me at this time is unimportant. But perhaps you will believe your own eyes."

Lt. General Richard F. "Bull" Ostwinkle,
Col. Harrison Campbell,
and Aerodyne's Immelmann Stahl
clandestinely meet at the Sleepy Eye Motel
in Boone Springs.
     Speedwell instructed me to go to the Sleepy Eye Motel in Boone Springs. I was to arrive shortly before sunset on October 6. I was to come alone, and to observe only, avoiding contact with anyone or anything I might see. I agreed, and was reminded of my investigation into the Men in Black in Irish Grove, where being a witness quickly resulted in my becoming a participant (see: Men in Black Exposed: Parts I and /II, Nov. & Dec. 1997, vol. 4, Issues # 11 & 12).

     Sleepy Eye is a mid-size motel situated off Owl Road at the edge of Boone Springs. A two story building, it contains 45 rooms with two beds each, five suites, a small indoor pool, a dining hall and general meeting chamber. From behind foliage atop a low grassy knoll some fifty yards from the motel's circular drive, I prepared for my vigil. The new binoculars I had with me were designed by Tesla Research, and had low-light and infrared capabilities.

     The sun had just begun to set behind me, bathing the trees and hedges along the front of the motel in a silvery-gold haze, when I wondered why Speedwell had involved me in this affair. He surely knew of my involvement in the MiB investigation and the Limbo ufologists. My suspicious side considered that I may be part of a set up, the way Gregory Wilhelm and his fellow researchers were "disappeared" by an unidentified military unit. What if this Speedwell wasn't an ally at all, but instead a government stooge sent to lead me astray from my UFO investigations, or worse, to permanently silence me?

     But why go to all this trouble? It was more likely, it seemed, that Speedwell simply couldn't hand me concrete proof of a saucer crash cover-up due to the precarious nature of his involvement in the whole affair. Whatever the case, I was here, and felt committed to my stakeout, no matter what Speedwell's motives were.

     That was when the convoy rolled in. Four long, plain black limousines pulled into the circular drive. I adjusted my binoculars to high magnification, attempting to discern the make and model of the vehicles. Unfortunately, I could make out no brand name or identifying insignia. I wasn't too surprised.

     Six men climbed out of the last limousine. They were dressed in green and black camouflage gear, accented by black berets and boots. Automatic rifles were slung across their shoulders. In step, they marched up alongside the next limousine in the convoy. I wasn't altogether surprised to see the two men who emerged from the back seat of the car. Dressed in full military regalia was Third Eye's old friend and reporter, Col. Harrison Campbell. And on the other side of the limo- Lt. General Richard F. "Bull" Ostwinkle, the man who filed the original report on the Palo Alto crash. The two men fell in with the soldiers as they proceeded to the next vehicle.

     Out of that car stepped four men dressed in unassuming black suits. One wore a fedora, and walked with a cane. This man I identified as Carson Speedwell. I was amazed that a man in his seventies would still be so dedicated to his government position. He and Ostwinkle exchanged a few words and proceeded to the next limousine. Two figures climbed out and shook hands with the others. One of the men was a very serious-looking Dr. Immelman Stahl, Director of Aerodyne Propulsion Labs. The other, smaller figure was something of a mystery. He or she was small in stature, not reaching five feet in height. It wore a large hooded jacket, a facemask and gloves, even though the temperature wasn't especially low. I suspected that this individual was either a recent burn victim or in disguise.

     The group walked quickly to the front door of the Sleepy Eye, while four more soldiers emerged from the front limousine. They stood at attention, saluting while the motley company disappeared inside. They then took up positions to guard the vehicles while the others conducted whatever business they had.


     There was no doubt in my mind that those assembled were discussing some aspect of the saucer crash. But I wondered why they had chosen this remote and unassuming locale in which to meet. Was this alliance of powers and minds so top secret that neither secure government or military installations nor the super-secret depths of Aerodyne could be secure enough to protect its privacy? Speedwell had succeeded in giving me more questions than answers. Now at least it is known that Speedwell, Ostwinkle, Campbell and Stahl are directly connected, and that they are working with each other.

     And as for the mysterious figure---I have no proof yet, but my hunch is that it is not human.

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